Saturday, October 3, 2009

Saturday Mornings with Kids

Wow! Saturday mornings oh great thats my time {My time to rest and relax} Yea right get a life and wake up and smell the coffee. HELLO!! WAKE UP MOMOIE!!!! Is what, I hear. "I am hungry". Ok what do you want to eat some eggs and french toast. Then the day has begun. As I stand their thinking at the stove. I wish I could just streach and my eyes would open fully. I wish I could just sleep maybe just 1 more hour even just 30 more minutes. I am just not coheriant to function to even look at my email. From the boys playing video games to working on their cars and making blogs or my tiny one just running through the house shaking his head and my other complaining about his homework he put off for the weekend. So he could go to the basketball game on thursday night. I planned so many things for today and its already 11:20am I have to get moving cause, I already missed the appt for the boys fall pics at walmart now. I will have to reschedule. I haven't even had my hot tea and coffee. I will have that now maybe that will help. I love saturday mornings. When , I wake up early. Have a living day like mine. Enjoy life. Share yours too.